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We ask our local partners to offer their human resource instead of a funding capital. Therefore, it is also our wish to share our knowledge in the projects more than donating “things” or a “finished product”.

This is why for us it is always more valuable to first find people who could help us obtaining solutions to problems. Then, we would like to find funding to support our South hemisphere partners, so that they could succeed in applying this knowledge.

We want to suggest projects that can be repeated, i.e. fundable by the beneficiary communities, once they have learnt the techniques from the first production carried out with us. Indeed, we would like these new skills to be passed on to other local people, drawing on own resources.
Therefore, we want to suggest affordable projects, involving minimum imported material and maximum usage of technologies already known to the locals.

We do not believe in the development of a community by donating goods and functional equipment only to some people, while others would still depend on donations. This would continue dependency.

We have highlighted the fields we are involved with in each country. So, it is possible to understand the experience we might need. Currently, collaborations can be useful in the following fields:

  • Energy from palm oil and biomass (for Guinea Bissau)
  • Tidal energy (for Guinea Bissau)
  • Apicolture (for Guinea Bissaue and Serbia)
  • River fishing (on the Nile in South Sudan): organization, preservation and transport to the market.

Contact us at info@ps76.org if you are interested .

Also, particularly useful is collaborations with entrepreneurs or a professionals that could help production in developing countries by setting up a business with locals. This could be either a simple trading relation (purchase of products or cession of machinery) or alliances and mixed companies.

We are currently setting up this process for small start-up companies in Aleksinac, Serbia. A list of fields for which support is needed can be found at the bottom of newsletter no. 7.

Here follows a list of general and more specific needs:

  • Eu Certification for industrial products
  • Training, marketing and management
  • Contacts with the ex Soviet Union market
  • Designs and Italian dressing models (for small clothing company)
  • Trading of agricultural biological products
  • Electrical parts
  • Filters
  • Cement manufactured product

If you are interested or if you need further information, contact us at info@ps76.org.