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In addition to the documents attached to this website, you can get information by:

  • writng to info@ps76.org.
  • writing to our office address:

    Programma Sviluppo 76 ODV - Via G. Alessi 6/16 A - 16128 GENOVA - ITALY

    The personal data you provide will be processed in accordance with the GDPR 679 of 27 April 2016 on the processing of personal data, exclusively for the purpose for which they were provided. The data will not be disclosed to other subjects for any reason and it is your right to request cancellation or variation. The Data Controller and Data Processor is the President of the Association.

    This site does not use any types of cookies that registers visitors in any way, even with anonymous statistics. Only for authorized PS76 members can be used a cookie for verifying the registration in the register of authorized persons, allowing them to enter and edit documents, limited to the pages to which they can access.