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The association's main aim is to make people able to use the resources available in the territory they inhabit, run with his head and with his own hands, that is, learning to use them and using them directly with tools and technologies they can reuse or acquired without the need for funding beyond their availability.

All the activities are aimed at promoting the development of communities or groups of beneficiaries.
The types are the following:

  • projects for development of productive activities and self-sustainable over time, made our presence alongside that of the beneficiaries, who are the direct actors of the activities themselves;
  • training people so that they can manage the business without outside help;
  • building works, such as water supply or energy, as can be functional for development projects and not as achievements not followed by operational projects.

The initiatives are divided into 5 sectors, the first 4 of which are in ascending order of urgency:


It is the primary asset whose unavailability cannot get out of a state of perpetual poverty and exposure to disease.
It is a basic objective to be addressed in view of the development.
It was necessary to tackle so far only in Ethiopia, given the absolute lack of unpolluted water sources.


After access to water, this is the primary goal of utilization of land resources, aimed at satisfying the basic needs of food.
It's been done in almost all countries in which we operate.


It is the seat of family life and is another objective of utilization of resources, aimed at improving hygienic and functional home conditions.
We do not want to make homes for people, but help them to achieve as much as possible using materials available locally.
We dealt it with in Ethiopia and Rwanda.

Use of Resources

We see it as all actions that can be done to improve the life after have been assured to the family water, food and a decent place to live.
These are more properly the activities that promote development.
Different activities are part of this sector: from the processing of agricultural products, including processing of materials on this site, usage the environment, energy production, handicrafts or small industries.
Projects with this objective have been addressed in all countries.


This last sector is different, it is not directly aimed at promoting development and therefore has a characteristic ancillary to the main objectives.
But we responded to requests received when we were close to emergency circumstances or a specific need or to provide tools for more general communities, organizations or institutions in the area in which we operate.