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We are a voluntary association started by friends with the aim of offering their organisational and entrepreneurial skills to promote productive activities in developing countries.

Our projects focus on the development of independent and sustainable production within the market regulations, so that local people who participate in the projects play a central role. The aim is to achieve a more dignified life in their country, without the need to search for opportunities abroad.

For this reason the association is not operating in the emergency context. Many other associations operate in this area successfully.

The development is defined as the interaction between people working at the same level, as a co-operation between north and south hemispheres:

  • People originating from developed countries contribute mainly technical, organizational and marketplace expertise. Further, if necessary, they contribute financially,
  • who living in developing countries contribute with local knowledge, skills and workforce.

Therefore, projects are set up and carried out with the local people who will continue the projects after starting them together. “ Together ” because development can not be imported, but built only through a mutual exchange.

Our Statute of association acknowledges the outline stated above.

Within the statute you can find also the rules of the association for those interested in working with us.

Countries in which we operate are indicated

with a red mark (O ) in the page “where we operate”.

At present, the members of Board of Directors are:

  • Filippo Pongiglione (President)
  • Stella Cannizzaro (Vice president)
  • Riccardo Macor

Currently, the association is made up of 20 members. Click here to see their profile (Italian).