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It is possible to send the “5 per mille” from your Irpef tax to the ODV associations. In this way you could support our initiatives.

To do the donation, write our tax number 95095210100 in the space provided at the top of one of the following forms: CUD, Mod. 730 or Mod. UNICO and sign it. For those exempt of tax deduction, it is possible to fill out the same information in the appropriate card found in the instructions for the form Mod. UNICO.


There is no cost associated with filling out the form. Further, it does not affect the tax you already pay. It is a small action to inform the State on where to address your taxes.

From our side, your contribution will be used for the development of our projects, described in our website.

According to the extent of the contribution, we will decide to which project will be allocated. Then we will write this information on this page and in the newsletters.


Addressing the 8% is in effect at the same time. Indeed, the two signatures are not an alternative to each other.